Collaboration between Dr. Venkat Krovi, Assoc. Professor in the MAE Department at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Dr. Pankaj Singhal, Assoc. Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, has led to the inauguration of the Computer Integrated Surgery Laboratory at UB. Located in 201 E Bell Hall on UB’s North Campus, this lab will focus on contemporary issues in the area of surgical robotics, including simulation and training, quantitative skill assessment, and novel device design for medical applications. In the long-run, we hope to tackle such an array of challenging problems from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. Below you will also find a list of our publications that has either been accepted or still under review from our group.The website for the CIS lab is currently under construction. Please stay tuned to this blog for any future updates in this regard!
1. Jun, S.-K., Sathia Narayanan, M., Garimella, S., MD, Singhal, P, MD, Corso, J. J. and Krovi, V., “Evaluation of Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgical Skills using Motion Studies”, 2013 Journal of Robotic Surgery (to be published).
09. Kumar, S., Narayanan, M.S., Garimella, S., MD, Singhal, P,
MD, Corso, J.J., and Krovi, V., Product of Tracking Experts for
Surgical Tool Visual Tracking, 2013 IEEE/ASME Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering, Madison WI (submitted for review).
08. Kumar, S., Narayanan, M.S., Eddib, A., MD, Garimella, S., MD, Singhal, P, MD,
and Krovi, V., “Vision-based Decision Support and Safety Systems for
Robotic Surgery”, 2013 Medical Cyber Physical Systems (MedCPS),
Philadephia, PA.
07. Abber Eddib, Neha Jain, Sara Hughes, Alexander Eswar, Mehmet Erk, Caroline Michalik, Venkat Krovi, Pankaj Singhal: Influence
of Morbid Obesity on Surgical Outcomes In Robotic Assisted Gynecologic
Surgery. Submited to the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
06. Abber Eddib, Neha Jain, Sara Hughes, Alexander Eswar, Mehmet Erk, Caroline Michalik, Venkat Krovi, Pankaj Singhal: Analysis of the impact of age on the surgical outcomes after robot assisted laparoscopic hysterectomies. Submitted.
05. Pankaj Singhal, Wainwright Jaggernauth, Kunle Odunsi, Shashikant Lele, “Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Endometrium: Pattern of Outcomes and Failures”. Submitted.
04. Abber Eddib, Neha Jain, Sara Hughes, Alexander Eswar, Mehmet Erk, Caroline Michalik, Venkat Krovi, Pankaj Singhal:
An analysis of the Impact of Previous Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Experience on the Learning Curve for Robotic Hysterectomy. The Journal
of Robotic Surgery, Feb. 2013
03. Seungkook Jun, Madusudanan S. Narayanan, Abeer Eddib, Pankaj Singhal, Sudha Garimella and Venkat Krovi, Minimally Invasive Surgical Skill Assessment by Video-Motion Analysis, 5th Hamlyn Symposium 2012, Royal Geographical Society, London, England, UK July 2012. [Runner-up Award]
02. Seungkook Jun, Madusudanan Narayanan, Abeer Eddib, Pankaj Singhal and
Venkat Krovi, "Evaluation of Surgical Skills and Level-of-Expertise for
Robotic Surgeries", 2012 Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems
(PerMIS' 12) Workshop, Maryland, USA, Mar 20- 22, 2012. [Paper and Poster]
01. Seungkook Jun, Madusudanan S. Narayanan, Abeer Eddib, Pankaj Singhaland
Venkat Krovi, "Assessment of Surgical Skill Expertisebased on
Micro-Motion Analysis", 2012 International Conference on Biomedical
Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob' 12) Roma, Italy, Jun 24-28, 2012.
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