ROAMER rises like a Phoenix at the DSCC2013
Date: Oct. 23, 2013. 1530-1700 hrs Zulu
Venue: Stanford University
Goal: Demonstration in the Experimental
Session of the 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC
2013), East Courtyard, Special session TuET9
ROAMeR is a 9 DOFs reconfigurable planar mobile robot.
Redundant degrees of freedom allow the robot to change its configuration while
performing the desired trajectory tracking
task in unstructured environments, e.g. rescue robots in the
earthquake. Moreover, the
reconfigurability is of great importance in the design of future
generation of Personal Electric Vehicles for intra-city personal transportation services.
The ROAMeR was a smash hit at the Inaugural Experimental Session of the DSCC2013 – kudos go to Javad Sovizi and Madu Sathianarayanan (and Xiaobo Zhou behind the scenes) for making this such an unprecedented success!!
Discussion on the ROAMeR specifications |
Straight line trajectory tracking |
Obstacle avoidance